
Specific quotations of prices are only visible to logged-in members (standard or premium membership). A standard membership is free of charge - here is where you can sign up.

If you already have a free membership and are logged in, you find detailed price information here.


Details on our free standard membership and our premium membership

On there are standard and premium memberships. New entries are set up as 3-day premium memberships by default, and will be automatically remitted to standard memberships after that time.

If you wish to use all functions available you can become a premium member at any time. This will also support our project and help cover the substantial expenses.

Output diagram

Features Standard Membership
Premium Membership
View profile data restricted unrestricted
Up to five online chats
upon invitation
Write Flirt-Messages
two per 24h* unlimited
Write text messages** two per 24h* 1/min. and 25/day
Use search
compact search
comfort search
Member search
restricted unrestricted
Upload pictures
one default picture
Set up VIP-Zone
no yes


* Standard members can write to premium members only. The contingent of 2 messages per 24h applies to all written text and flirt messages.

** During our profile check phase for security reasons we limit messages for new members, even if they are premium. In this time you can send a limited amount of messages per minute and per day only.


Standard Membership

The use of the internet services provided by nak-singles is free of charge with a standard membership. No fees or basic charges will be demanded.

A standard membership includes the following functions:

> free sign-up
> search for premium members
> unrestricted possibility of setting up notes
> 2 free messages every 24 hours
> receive chat-invitations


Note: as a standard member you won't be seen by all other members but by permium members only! You have to get active yourself.

Premium Membership
As an upgrade to the free standard membership we offer a premium membership. On top of the standard functions mentioned above a premium membership provides the following additional features:

> Full view of member profiles
> Search amongst all members
> unrestricted mailing function to all members
> membership profile vieweable by all members
> upload, share, and organize serveral pictures on our server
> VIP-Zone: Invite members to your private area
> Life-Chat-Function: Chat with members online


Why the moderate prices?

Compared to other commerscial providers nak-singles' conditions are very beneficial and were deliberately kept low. The little proceeds are used to refinance the invested development costs of the programming office, to cover server costs, to pay for advertisement, and to cover the running expenses.

If you have any questions about payments in our help section you might find the answer.

Why become a premium member?
Premium members expect more service for their financial inset. Accordingly we generally deduct that premium members have more serious or deeper intentions of finding a partner. Thus it is advisable to obtain a premium membership. Furthermore the membership fees of a premium membership ensures the continuity and continuing groth of nak-singles.